CSI ETABS Concrete Structure Design Course
About Course
( Preview This Course এ ক্লিক করে আমাদের এই কোর্সের কিছু ভিডিও লেকচার দেখে নিতে পারেন যাতে করে আমাদের কোর্স এবং পড়ানোর ধরণ সম্বন্ধে আপনি একটি সুনিদৃষ্ট ধারণা পাবেন ।)
কোর্সের ধরণঃ (Recorded Live Class Video) লাইভ ক্লাসের রেকর্ডেড ভিডিও।
কোর্সের বিশেষত্বঃ এই কোর্সটি আমাদের তিন (০৩) টি লাইভ ক্লাসের রেকর্ডকৃত ভিডিও নিয়ে বানানো। এই কোর্সে আপনি তিনটি রিয়েল প্রোজেক্ট এর ডিজাইন শিখবেন।
যেখানে রয়েছে,
- একটি ৫ তালা রেসিডেন্সিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন।
- একটি ১০ তালা রেসিডেন্সিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন।
- একটি ১৫ তালা কমার্শিয়াল কাম রেসিডেন্সিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন।
- একটি ৮ তালা কমার্শিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ মডেলিং।
এই কোর্স শেষে আপনি একটি বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন করতে পারবেন। কারণ এই কোর্স এমনভাবে সাজানো হয়েছে যাতে করে আপনি একটি বিল্ডিং এর যে কোন প্রকারের কম্পনেন্ট ডিজাইন করতে পারেন।
কোর্সটি যাদের জন্যঃ CSI ETABS Concrete Structure Design Course টি মূলত Professional দিক বিবেচনা করে সাজানো হয়েছে, যেটি প্রশনাল ভাবে যারা Concrete Structure Design শিখতে চায় তাদের জন্য পরিপূর্ণ একটি CSI ETABS Concrete Structure Design Course তৈরি করা হয়েছে। CSI ETABS Course শেষে একজন শিক্ষার্থী অথবা একজন প্রফেশনাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ার একটি বিল্ডিং এর যে কোন প্রকারের কম্পনেন্ট প্রশনাল ভাবে ডিজাইন করতে পারবেন।
কোর্স চলাকালীন সাপোর্টঃ আমাদের পূর্ব অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে আমরা দেখেছি কোর্সগুলো করার সময় অনেক সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হয়। তাই যেকোনো সমস্যা সমাধানে, যেকোন বিষয় বুঝতে সমস্যা হলে সাথে সাথে ওই কোর্সের ক্লাসে অবস্থিত QNA অপশন অথবা কমেন্ট সেকশনে কমেন্টস করতে পারবেন এবং ওয়েবসাইটে প্রদত্ত নাম্বারে আমাদের সাথে সরাসরি কথা বলতে পারবেন।
লেকচার গুলো কিভাবে দেখবেনঃ আপনি যে কোন সময় আপনার সময় অনুযায়ী আমাদের ক্লাস গুলো দেখতে পারবেন এই ওয়েবসাইটে ঠিক যেমন আপনি ইউটিউবে ভিডিও দেখে থাকেন তেমনভাবে। আপনার ইউজার আইডি এবং পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করে আপনি ক্লাস গুলো দেখতে পারবেন।
Certificate of Completion
After completing this course successfully, you will get a certificate from Civil Engineers Training Academy (CETA)
What you will get with this course?
#You will get the following Paid Excel Sheet For Free
A.1. Earth Quake Analysis Excel As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
A.2. Wind load Analysis Excel As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
A.3. Vertical Earthquake Effect Cal. Excel As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B1. P-Delta Check As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B2. Base-Shear Check (Seismic Value) As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B3. Drifts and sway limitation Check As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B4. Soft story Check As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B5. Torsional Irregularity Check As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
B6. Overturning Moment Check As per BNBC-2020, ASCE 7-05
C1. Two-Way Slab Design Advanced Excel Sheet in WSD/ASD Method
C2. Two-Way Slab Design Advanced Excel Sheet in USD/LRFD Method
C4. Rectangular Column Design Advanced Excel Sheet
C5. Circular Column Design Advanced Excel Sheet
C6. Single Footing Design Advanced Excel Sheet
C7. Combined Footing Design Advanced Excel Sheet
C8. Shear Wall Design Advanced Excel Sheet
D1-D6. Staircase Design Excel Sheet -Case 1-6 (6Nos)
E1. Beam Reinforcement Detailing & Rebar Calculation Excel Sheet
E2. Column Reinforcement Detailing & Rebar Calculation Excel Sheet
E3. Shear Wall Reinforcement Detailing & Rebar Calculation Excel Sheet
E4. Development Length and Lapping Length Calculation Excel
FXL6. Basement Wall Load Calculation Excel sheet
FXL7. Soil Site Class for Earthquake Analysis
FXL8. Design Parameters
#You will get BNBC 2020 Pdf Short Note For Free
What Will You Learn?
- Understanding floor plan, Beam-Column Layout
- How to Install And Configure Etabs (If needed)
- Introduction to csi Etabs
- Understanding about Materials Property as per bnbc 2020
- Define Materials Property as per bnbc 2020
- Details Understanding about Section Property as per bnbc 2020
- Define Section Property as per bnbc 2020
- Slab Thickness Calculation using Excel as per bnbc 2020
- Define Slab & Wall section as per bnbc 2020
- Define Mass Source as per bnbc 2020
- Define Load Pattern
- Calculate Earthquake load As per BNBC
- Modify Load Case
- Define Load Combination as per bnbc 2020
- Define & Modify Lateral Loads as per bnbc 2020
- Calculate Earthquake Load using Excel & find out Data for Etabs
- Calculate Wind Load using Excel & find out Data for Etabs
- Modeling of Structures as per Plan
- Assign Loads ( FF, PW, LL WL Etc.)
- Static Analysis of Structures
- Dynamic Analysis of Structures
- Checking Model for Base Shear Check(Seismic Value)
- Checking Model for Drifts and sway limitation
- Checking Model for P-Delta Check of a Building
- Checking Model for Soft story X & Y Direction
- Checking Model for Torsional Irregularity
- Slab Design (WSD & USD) as per BNBC with Excel
- Beam Design as per BNBC with Excel
- Column Design as per BNBC with Excel
- Staircase Design as per BNBC with Excel
- Shear Wall Design as per BNBC with Excel
- Slab Design Using Etabs Design Option
- Beam Design Using Etabs Design Option
- Column Design Using Etabs Design Option
- Staircase Design Using Etabs Design Option
- Shear Wall Design Using Etabs Design Option
- Shear Calculation as per BNBC with Excel
- Main Rebar Calculation as per BNBC with Excel
- Development length & Lapping Length Cal.
- Beam Shear Rebar Calculation
- Beam Torsional Rebar Calculation
- Column Torsional Rebar Calculation
- Beam Shear Torsional Rebar Calculation
- Shear Wall Horizontal Rebar Calculation (ACI 318-14)
- Shear Wall Vertical Rebar Calculation (ACI 318-14)
Course Content
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Instruction & Course Materials (Must Follow)
ক্লাস গুলো শুরু করার আগে অবশ্যই ইন্ট্রোডাকশন দেখে নিন
Instruction for this Course (Must Follow)
00:00 -
Join: Bangladesh Architects & Engineers Community Forum – BAECF
Download And Install CSI Etabs v16.2.1
00:00 -
Download Etabs Course Materials
Complete 10 Story Residential Building Design (Course-1)
এই কোর্সে আপনি একটি ১০ তালা রেসিডেন্সিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন শিখবেন। এইটি আমাদের একটি রিয়েল প্রোজেক্ট এর ডিজাইন যেটি আমরা আমাদের ৬ষ্ঠ ব্যাচের শিক্ষার্থীদের লাইভ ক্লাস এ শিখিয়েছি।
Flow Chart for Structural Analysis and Design
07:46 -
Which Version of Etabs Software Should Use
07:12 -
Discussion on Different Design Code, FE Software and Building Components
28:14 -
Details Discussion on Concrete Materials Properties
36:36 -
Details Discussion on Rebar Materials Properties
14:06 -
Introduction to CSI Etabs & Model Initialization
21:58 -
A Complete Overview of CSI Etabs Software
36:10 -
Define Complete Material Properties
35:07 -
Define Beam and Column Section
32:48 -
Define Slab, Wall, Rebar Properties, Mass sources, Load pattern & Load Case
54:28 -
Discussion on Load Combinations & Vertical Earthquake Calculation
41:39 -
Create Load Combination (23 Nos) for Normal Condition and Define in Etabs
01:04:28 -
Draw Grid from Floor Plan, Create Beam & Column Required Section, Find Slab Thickness using Excel
01:14:39 -
Create Load Combination (31 Nos) for Special Condition and Define in Etabs | Part-1
08:29 -
Create Load Combination (31 Nos) for Special Condition and Define in Etabs | Part-2
37:08 -
10 Story Building Design- Create And Modify Story Data or Floor Level
40:18 -
10 Story Building Design- Draw Column & Shear Wall With Proper Concept
01:19:20 -
Basic Discussion of Support system and Settlement of Footing
34:02 -
5 Story Building Design- Draw Grid & Create Model
01:09:57 -
5 Story Building Design- Create Model & Assign Loads
01:29:47 -
5 Story Building Design- Assign Loads & Replicate Model
01:12:10 -
5 Story Building Design- Modify Roof Load, Analysis & Check Model
01:06:28 -
5 Story Building Design- Define Earthquake & Wind Load, Design Model
01:04:09 -
10 Story Building Design- Draw Beam, Wall & Staircase
01:07:45 -
10 Story Building Design- Assign Load, Replicate Model & Modify Roof Load
41:32 -
10 Story Building Design- Define Diaphragm, Earthquake Load, Wind Load & Assign Mesh
01:01:16 -
10 Story Building Design- Calculate & Assign Basement wall Load with Check
27:27 -
10 Story Building Design- Calculate and Assign Lift Load, Pre Analysis and Design
43:44 -
10 Story Building Design- Complete Discussion on Properties Modifier
01:00:52 -
10 Story Building Design- Serviceability (Deflection Limits), P-Delta, Torsion Irregularity Sway Limitation, Stiffness (Soft-Story) Irregularity, Story Drift Check
01:07:43 -
10 Story Building Design- How to Pass Structure If Fail Design Check | Part-1
10:42 -
10 Story Building Design- How to Pass Structure If Fail Design Check | Part-2
28:51 -
10 Story Building Design- Design Column for Longitudinal & Shear Bar
01:04:41 -
10 Story Building Design- Design Beam for Longitudinal ,Shear & Torsional Rebar
38:45 -
10 Story Building Design- Shear Wall Design Using Simplified C & T Design, Uniform & General Reinforcing Methods
01:07:53 -
Dynamic Analysis of Structure | Response Spectrum Analysis | Part-1
30:11 -
Dynamic Analysis of Structure | Response Spectrum Analysis | Part-2
49:27 -
Dynamic Analysis of Structure | Response Spectrum Analysis | Part-3
01:01:44 -
Dynamic Analysis of Structure | Response Spectrum Analysis | Part-4
Complete 15 Story Residential Building Design (Course-2)
এই কোর্সে আপনি একটি ১৫ তালা রেসিডেন্সিয়াল বিল্ডিং এর সম্পূর্ণ ডিজাইন শিখবেন। এইটি আমাদের একটি রিয়েল প্রোজেক্ট এর ডিজাইন যেটি আমরা আমাদের ৯ম ব্যাচের শিক্ষার্থীদের লাইভ ক্লাস এ শিখিয়েছি।
Intorduction to Building Analysis & Design
46:17 -
Etabs Software Overview, Define Material Properties
01:02:25 -
Define Beam Column Section As Per BNBC 2020
01:25:43 -
Define Slab, Wall, Rebar Properties, Load Pattern & Discussion on Load Combination
01:00:22 -
Define Load Combination for Normal (23 Nos) & Special (31 Nos) Case as per BNBC 2020
01:12:34 -
Discussion on Soil Site Class & Selection of Seismic Design Categories of Structure
01:01:41 -
Discussion on Floor plan, Modify & Create Grid System
01:43:28 -
Modify Grid and Create New Grid System for 15 story Building Floor Plan
56:36 -
Edit Story Data, Draw Column , Lift core Wall (Pier & Spandrel)
01:21:32 -
Draw Grade Beam & Floor Beam
01:03:46 -
Draw Floor Slab & Staircase
53:09 -
Discussion on Load & Structural Analysis System
58:52 -
Assign Live Load, Floor Finish, Staircase Live Load, Calculate & Assign Stair Steps Load
49:53 -
Calculate & Assign Partition Wall Load for Actual as well as Approximate Methods
45:11 -
Replicate Model & Modify Roof Portion
49:47 -
Modify Roof Loads as per BNBC 2020
33:29 -
Calculate and Assign Lift-Core Load
01:15:00 -
Assign Mesh for Floor and Wall System
15:28 -
Complete Discussion on Diaphragms Center of Mass and Rigidity
32:28 -
Details Discussion on Earthquake Load and Define Earthquake Load
01:34:29 -
Details Discussion on Wind Load and Define Wind Load
49:57 -
Pre-Analysis & Design Decision On Structure
41:46 -
Create Beam and Column Design Section & Replace it
01:32:58 -
Discussion on Properties Modifier & Assign It for Service Condition
01:14:27 -
Discussion on Local Axis, Check Model For Serviceability (Vertical Deflection)
46:15 -
Details Discussion on P-Delta Check of Structure
01:20:26 -
Sway or Displacement Limitation Check, Stiffness (Soft-Story) Irregularity Check
36:08 -
Drift Check for Gravity, Torsion Irregularity Check, Story Drift & Drift Ratio Check
58:10 -
Overturning Check of Building and Pre-Analysis Of Structure
40:26 -
Modify Beam Column And Take Decision
16:17 -
Assign Properties Modifiers for Ultimate Conditions and Redesign Model
58:11 -
Beam Column Capacity Check Ratio, Export Model to AutoCAD
18:24 -
Beam Design – Create Beam Group, Find Torsion Rebar
12:52 -
Beam Design – Torsion Rebar Placement
02:25 -
Beam Design – Minimum Rebar Calculation
03:42 -
Beam Design – Main rebar Calculation & Finalization
12:56 -
Beam Design – BNBC 2020 Requirement for Special Moment Resistance Moment (SMRF)
07:14 -
Beam Design – Longitudinal & Torsion Rebars Calculation and Detailing
21:51 -
Beam Design – Stirrups Calculation for Shear & Torsion Reinforcement
13:24 -
Beam Design – Basic QNA on Design Parameters
12:35 -
Column Design – Basic Discussion on Column Design
06:18 -
Column Design – Column Grouping & Reinforcement Calculation
29:21 -
Column Design – Nos of Rebar Calculation and Rebar Detailing
15:04 -
Column Design – Column Ties / Shear Rebar Calculation
14:06 -
Column Design – Basic QNA Discussion on Field Work
09:46 -
Slab Design- Basic Introduction to Slab Design
03:43 -
Slab Design- Slab Design Using Advanced Excel Sheet
31:40 -
Slab Design- Slab Design Using CSI Etabs FEM Methods
39:57 -
Staircase Design – Selection of Staircase Types
12:27 -
Staircase Design- Staircase Design Using Excel Sheet
17:43 -
Lift core Design – Basic Introduction and Pier Assignment
07:28 -
Lift core Design – Revised Preferences, Load Combination & Design Methods
06:12 -
Lift Core Design – Design Using Simplified C & T Methods
13:42 -
Lift Core Design – QNA on Simplified C & T Methods
05:09 -
Lift Core Design – Design Using Uniform Reinforcing Methds
13:52 -
Lift Core Design – URM- Modify Rebar & Redesign
08:27 -
Lift Core Design – URM- Reinforcement to be Design
15:21 -
Lift Core Design – URM- Vertical Rebar Calculation & Detailing with Excel
19:35 -
Lift Core Design – URM- Horizontal Rebar Calculation & Detailing with Excel
18:50 -
Lift Core Design – How to Pass OS of Shear Wall Failure
02:06 -
Lift core Design – Assign & Design Spandrel
Complete 8-Story Commercial Building Design (Course-3)
1. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:24:18 -
2. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:46:09 -
3. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:36:24 -
4. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:30:16 -
5. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:24:26 -
6. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:24:46 -
7. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:27:59 -
8. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:11:14 -
9. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
32:19 -
10. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:15:43 -
11. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:39:12 -
12. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
29:10 -
13. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
29:26 -
14. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
01:05:37 -
15. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
55:46 -
16. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
43:34 -
17. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
42:48 -
18. Commercial Building Design By Etabs
Details Approach on Dynamic Analysis of Structure
In this section, you will learn about the Dynamic Analysis of Structure in detail.
Introduction to Dynamic Analysis of Structure
03:55 -
Discussion on Dynamic Response of a Structure
05:18 -
Criteria for Dynamic Analysis of Building Structures
29:04 -
Criteria for Dynamic Analysis of Building Structures | Part-2
05:36 -
Types of Dynamic Analysis
04:10 -
Discussion on Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)
06:35 -
Discussion on Number of Modes (RSA)
05:25 -
Discussion on Materials Properties for Non-Linear Analysis
12:36 -
Define Modal Case In Etabs
06:16 -
Define RSA Fouction
06:15 -
Analysis Model for RS PMR and Modify Modes
37:01 -
Define Load Combination for RSA And Design
48:07 -
Modify RSA Scale Factor and Re-Analysis
14:33 -
Base Shear Check for RSA Vs ESA
23:00 -
Final Design Check For RSA
Apply for the Course Certificate
Follow Instructions and Apply for Certificate
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সব মিলিয়ে আপনার ক্যারিয়ারের জন্য এই কোর্সগুলি হতে পারে অগ্রদুত । ধন্যবাদ ।